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    Every time a child drinks soda, he's laying the groundwork for a dangerous bone disease. No, fizzy and sugary drinks don't cause osteoporosis. But because they're often a substitute for a glass of milk, kids are coming up short of the calcium and vitamin D they need to build a strong skeleton. Many of them also lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they aren't getting the bone-building benefits of vigorous exercise either. These children aren't just in jeopardy for brittle bones and fractures decades down the road: They could be at risk of osteoporosis at a younger age than ever before.

    That's a problem every parent should be concerned about, says Leon Root, MD, author of Beautiful Bones Without Hormones, and professor of clinical orthopedics at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York City. "Osteoporosis is actually a childhood disease that manifests itself later in life." The condition causes bones to become riddled with holes, like the frame of a house that's been attacked by termites. That can lead to broken bones, which in turn can cause deformity, chronic pain or disability. Osteoporosis can even be fatal: 20 percent of older people who suffer a broken hip die within a year.

    Osteoporosis isn't just your grandmother's health threat. Although it strikes about eight million women in the United States, it also menaces two million men. Another 34 million Americans have low bone mass, yet most aren't even aware that there's an epidemic in the making, says Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona, MD, who released the first-ever Surgeon General's report on osteoporosis last October. "You don't see TV shows about osteoporosis, and it's not in the headlines. But by embracing prevention, we could save thousands of lives."

    There's a new medical understanding of the best ways to protect ourselves--and our children. "Simple lifestyle changes can save your bones, which can save your life," says Dr. Root. "And it's never too soon--or too late--to take action."

    The Calcium Connection
    Contrary to popular belief, the skeleton isn't a rigid and unchanging structure. Each year, our bodies re-place about 20 percent of our bones' spongy tissue, which means that our activities at every age influence their health. Sections of old bone break down, creating gaps to be filled by new bone. Until about age 30, we build bone very efficiently, so making the right health moves, such as exercising and getting enough calcium, helps your skeleton reach its genetically determined peak strength.

    Think of your bones as a retirement fund: The more you deposit when you're young, the better off you'll be in later years, when you need to draw on your reserves. But most kids don't bank nearly enough calcium. Only one in five girls ages 9 to 19, and about half of boys, get the RDA of this bone-building mineral. That's frightening, since 90 percent of accumulated peak bone formation occurs before age 20. The effects of being shortchanged on calcium go beyond an increased risk of osteoporosis in the future. There may be a price to pay much sooner: A recent Mayo Clinic study reports an alarming rise in children's forearm fractures, compared with rates 30 years ago.

    Giving kids a calcium boost may help ward off painful injuries. In a 2005 study at Ohio State University Medical Center, doctors tracked the skeletal growth of girls, ages 8 to 13, over a seven-year period. All of them averaged about 800 mg of calcium from their diet--far less than the RDA of 1,300 mg for their age group. Half of the girls received calcium supplements, while the other half didn't. "We saw powerful benefits to getting extra calcium, especially at puberty when children have a major growth spurt," says Velimir Matkovic, MD, lead author of the study and director of OSUMC's Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Center. Not only did the supplemented group develop stronger bones, but they had half the fracture rate of the other girls in the study.

    Do all children need supplements? Ideally, kids and adults should get their daily calcium quota through a healthy diet. Got milk? Dairy products of all types will do the trick. Other good sources include sardines or canned salmon with bones, leafy green vegetables, soybeans, and calcium-fortified orange juice, cereal, or breakfast bars. Encourage your children to have three to five servings of these bone-builders daily. And if they shun milk because they think it's fattening, let them know the latest research shows the opposite is true: Kids with the highest milk consumption are also the slimmest, while those who drink the most soda or other sweetened beverages, unsurprisingly, are the heaviest.

    Since most people don't consume enough calcium, supplements can fill the gap, says Dr. Matkovic. "There are several types, and all of them do a good job. Flavored, chewable tablets are more appealing to children, making it more likely that they'll actually take them." In his study, girls were given 1,000 mg a day, half in the morning and half at night, since calcium is best absorbed in amounts of 500 mg or less at a time. That's also a safe dose for adults whose diets are lacking in this bone-building mineral. Supplements can interact with some drugs, so check with your doctor or pharmacist.

    What 'D' Can Do
    Are you getting enough vitamin D? There's a growing scientific consensus that the current guidelines of 200 IU for adults under 50, and 400 or 600 IU for older people, are too low. That's bad news for our bones, since this vitamin is crucial to processing calcium efficiently, says Robert Heaney, MD, professor of medicine at Creighton University in Omaha. In a 2003 study, he compared the effects of giving postmenopausal women vitamin D supplements one year, followed by one year of no supplements. The result? When the women had higher vitamin D blood levels, they absorbed 65 percent more calcium.

    Dr. Heaney and other experts are advocating a rise in the RDA for this nutrient. "Getting too little has been linked to many chronic disorders, from osteoporosis to type 1 diabetes and even cancer, so deficiency is a huge health threat," says the doctor, who believes that the best protection is taking 1,800 IU daily.

    Part of the problem is that this nutrient is found in relatively few foods, says Dr. Heaney. And while people can also get the vitamin naturally, through sun exposure, that's not always possible or even a good idea, especially if you're prone to sunburn. "We've just shown that in the northern United States, outdoor workers make plenty of vitamin D in the summer," says Dr. Heaney, "but it doesn't last through the winter, when the sun is lower on the horizon." Studies also show that skin production of the vitamin dwindles in older people, even if they're sun-worshipers, suggesting that a supplement might be the best way to safeguard their bone health.

    Use It or Lose It
    As you age, you lose bone faster than you produce it. Over the five to seven years after periods stop, women can lose up to 20 percent of their bone mass due to estrogen deficiency. Paying extra attention to bone health can lessen the damage, however. Men are also affected by age-related skeletal loss, but not as dramatically, since their larger frames provide a higher peak bone mass and their hormones don't plunge after age 50. Our skeleton needs regular exercise at every age to stay strong, but we're becoming a nation of lazybones. The Surgeon General reports that about half of adults--and kids--don't do the minimum to keep their bones fit: 60 minutes of physical activity a day for kids and 30 minutes for adults. A combination of weight-bearing routines (such as walking, jogging, stair-climbing, or dancing, plus resistance exercises like weight-lifting) is the ideal recipe for bone health.

    For children, jumping is a fun way to bone up, a 2003 study at University of British Columbia found. The researchers contrasted elementary school girls who took gym classes to those who also did ten minutes of high-impact jumping exercises, three times a week. At the end of the two-year study, the exercise group had a nearly five percent jump in bone mass. Other weight-bearing exercises with kid appeal include jumping rope, tennis, in-line skating and team sports, such as soccer.

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      手機上的液晶顯示幕是什麼?液晶顯示器由於其低功耗和良好的圖像品質而成為行动电话中最常見的顯示類型. 它們通常很容易閱讀,即使在陽光直射下也是如此. LCD上顯示的影像的最小元素是點數. 液晶顯示器和LED顯示器哪個更耐用?在大多數情况下,LED顯示器具有使用壽命長,畫質好,設計更薄,回應時間快和結構更環保的優點. 這些品質抵消了您可能會考慮LCD選項的較高初始價格. 為什麼LED電視比LCD更好?LED電視耗電更少,對比度更好,而且更薄. LED電視可以提供比LCD電視更生動,更高質量的影像. LED電視具有更好的畫面質量有兩個原因. 首先,LED可以產生不同顏色的光. 液晶顯示器能用多久?數位顯示器壽命的並排比較科技壽命(小時)壽命(年)LCD顯示器40000-60000 4.5-7OLED顯示器10000(100%亮度)-40000(25%亮度)1-4.5QLED顯示器NA 7-10MicroLED顯示器<100000<11再新增2行• 液晶顯示幕能用多久?LCD(液晶顯示器)顯示器LCD顯示器的使用時間通常為30000-60000小時. 如果你每天使用8小時的案頭設定,這相當於10-20年的使用壽命. 為什麼LED荧幕比LCD更好?在大多數情况下,LED顯示器具有更長的使用壽命,更好的圖像品質,更薄的設計,快速的回應時間和更環保的結構等優勢. 這些品質抵消了可能讓您考慮LCD選項的較高初始價格點. 哪個是質量更好的LED還是LCD?與LCD顯示器相比,OLED顯示器具有更高的對比度(100萬∶1靜態,而LCD荧幕為1000∶1),更深的黑色和更低的功耗. 它們還具有更高的顏色精度. 然而,它們更昂貴,並且藍色OLED的壽命更短. 液晶顯示器的平均壽命是多少?30000至60000小時帶液晶顯示器的顯示器的正常使用壽命為30000至60000個小時,如果每天使用8個小時,則為10至20年. 這些平板顯示器包括夾在兩片偏振資料之間的液晶光源. 什麼是液晶電視?什麼是液晶電視? LCD的完整形式是液晶顯示器. 這種液晶同時具有固體和液體性質. 液晶顯示器或荧幕在主荧幕後面有背光.lcd display screen 液晶顯示幕叫什麼?液晶顯示器LCD代表液晶顯示器. 我們一會兒再討論這意味著什麼. 但首先,需要注意的是,LED也使用液晶,所以這個名字有點誤導. 從科技上講,[LED顯示器"實際上應該叫[LED液晶顯示器"
    September 7, 2023
      如果你的膽固醇太多該怎麼辦?飲食中的一些變化可以,改善心臟健康:减少飽和脂肪. 飽和脂肪主要存在於紅肉和全脂乳製品中,會提高你的總膽固醇消除反式脂肪吃富含omega-3脂肪酸的食物新增可溶性纖維添加乳清蛋白. 是什麼導致膽固醇升高?什麼導致高膽固醇? 你的肝臟會產生膽固醇,但你也會從食物中獲得膽固醇. 吃太多高脂肪的食物會新增你的膽固醇水准. 超重和不運動也會導致高膽固醇. 吃了高膽固醇後應該喝什麼?蜂蜜是治療油膩食物的最佳解藥之一. 在一杯溫水中混合一茶匙,再加入兩茶匙蘋果醋.飯後飲用. 一天3個煮熟的雞蛋太多了嗎?總結 雞蛋是極好的營養來源. 每天吃兩到三個雞蛋是安全的,只要它們是健康飲食的一部分. 壓力會新增你的膽固醇嗎?Lisa Matzer博士:眾所周知,壓力會新增膽固醇水准,尤其是壞的低密度脂蛋白膽固醇. 你生活中的壓力並不像你如何應對那麼重要.壓力在你身上產生的憤怒和敵意越多,你的低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯水准往往就越高(甚至更糟). 高膽固醇多久是安全的?高膽固醇的時間越長,患心臟病的可能性就越大. 在一項研究中,高水准持續11年或11年以上的人的風險是10年或10年以下的人的兩倍. 大多數高膽固醇患者沒有任何警告信號.低密度膽固醇 我晚上可以喝什麼來?其中包括:綠茶. 綠茶含有兒茶素和其他抗氧化化合物,似乎有助於降低低密度脂蛋白和總膽固醇水准--豆漿.大豆飽和脂肪含量低--燕麥飲料--番茄汁--漿果奶昔--含固醇和甾烷醇的飲料--可哥飲料--植物奶奶昔. 高膽固醇會消失嗎?改變生活方式有可能在幾周內改變膽固醇水准. 然而,這可能需要更長的時間,通常大約3個月,有時甚至更長. 如果一個人在改變生活方式約12周後仍未降低低密度脂蛋白膽固醇,一些醫生建議添加降膽固醇藥物.降低膽固醇 如何自然?燕麥含有可溶性纖維,可以降低低密度脂蛋白膽固醇,即[壞"膽固醇. 可溶性纖維也存在於芸豆,球芽甘藍,蘋果和梨等食物中. 可溶性纖維可以减少膽固醇在血液中的吸收. 膽固醇水准達到7有多糟糕?7 mmol/L(271 mg/dL)的總膽固醇水准被認為是高的. 儘管膽固醇在體內有幾個重要作用,但高膽固醇會使你患心臟病的風險更大.膽固醇超標
    August 16, 2023